I'd be happy to provide that in a follow-up. I'll maybe highlight a couple of things. We encouraged Health Canada to look to markets such as Australia and New Zealand.
We're not looking for what I would call just adopting science, because we might have unique Canadian circumstances or population health intake circumstances that could be a bit different. We're asking why build it from the ground up again, when we can maybe take some data and do a Canadian population health scan.
I think MP Davies will be interested in this. One of the additives that was delayed—it looks like it has been in the backlog—is a potassium-based alternative to sodium. On the one hand I'm battling with MP Davies in the media on the sodium issue, but on the other hand we're trying to innovate and we can't get approvals to get alternatives into the marketplace. When you're dealing with multinationals, they're asking why they would invest any money in R and D in Canada, when they have to wait five times longer than in other markets. Then you get this bit of a snowball effect.
The progress has been made there now, but it's going to need some time to work its way through the chain. I'd be happy to share examples of markets we look to as leaders and where we can work with them, and also some specific examples of additives and whatnot.