Thank you, Mr. Chair and members of the committee.
Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you today about the important topic of pollinator health.
My name is Pierre Petelle. I am the vice-president of CropLife Canada's chemistry sector. We represent the developers, manufacturers and distributors of pest control products and plant biotechnologies.
With me this morning is Dr. Maria Trainer, who is the managing director of regulatory affairs for CropLife Canada.
I'll be providing our remarks on behalf of CropLife this morning.
CropLife Canada's member companies are committed to protecting human health and the environment. Our technologies are beneficial, not only to Canadian farmers, but also to consumers who benefit from lower food costs, better environmental quality, and a more prosperous economy.
Agriculture has never been more environmentally sustainable, in large part due to the innovative products that our industry has developed. For example, we help farmers grow more food on less land, greatly increasing their efficiency. Our industry's products also improve soil conservation, reduce water use, and generate fewer greenhouse gases. We are proud of these contributions.
Aside from our moral obligation to protect the environment, of which pollinators are an integral and vital component, our industry also has a vested interest in protecting bees. Without sufficient pollination, many of the crops that our products are designed to protect simply wouldn't exist. The success of modern agriculture depends on bees, and we are fully committed to protecting and improving pollinator health.
This committee has no doubt seen PMRA's preliminary analysis of the honeybee incidents in southern Ontario last spring. The analysis did indicate that insecticides used on treated corn were a contributing factor to the losses. Before I comment on PMRA's report and the actions that our industry has taken since last spring, l'd like to talk about seed treatments in general. John has already covered some of that, but I'd like to cover a little more on what they are, why they're used, and how they can represent a significant environmental improvement over the alternative.
Insecticide-treated seed has improved the precision of insecticide application by applying a very small amount of product directly to the seed, where it will provide the greatest protection, namely, on the seed and in the ground. This approach to pesticide application means the product is placed where beneficial insects, like honeybees and other non-target organisms, are less likely to come into contact with it.
Seed treatments have co-existed very well with pollinators in many regions of the country for quite some time. For example, canola, one of Canada's biggest success stories, is planted on more than 21 million acres in western Canada. Virtually all of this crop, which is very attractive to bees, is treated with a neonic seed treatment, and bee health in that region remains strong. Indeed, we have heard from many beekeepers who tell us that seed treatment products are a significant improvement over past practices when it comes to protecting bee health.
In addition to reducing potential pollinator exposure, seed treatments have also helped farmers by providing stronger, more resilient crops and higher yields. Restrictions of any sort on these products would force growers to rely on other forms of pest control products, including foliar sprays, which could increase the risk of exposure of non-target organisms, such as bees.
Pesticides are an essential tool to enable our growers to feed the growing world population in an environmentally responsible fashion. Without pesticides, the world would lose at least 40% of its food supply; for certain crops, losses could be up to 80%. The impact on the world's food supply would be simply catastrophic.
In Canada, we've been largely shielded from the significant bee decline seen elsewhere around the world. Indeed, according to StatsCan data, our honeybee numbers are actually increasing. However, we must not be complacent. Bee health is complex, just like human health, and according to experts, which I don't profess to be, it's impacted by a variety of interacting variables, including parasites, diseases, and other stress factors, such as habitat loss, genetic weakness, and environmental exposures.
Given our industry's clear dependence on bees, all of these factors are of concern to us. This complexity extends to the circumstances of last spring. The record-setting warm temperatures we had last year, windy weather, and unique spring conditions led to an increase in dust that released during corn planting. In addition, the well-above-normal heat also led to weeds emerging earlier than usual and bees foraging while the corn was being planted.
The reality is that neonic-treated corn has been planted in Ontario and elsewhere for the past 10 years without similar incidents.
I mentioned earlier that our industry has taken action since last spring. I'd like to elaborate a little bit on that now.
Some of the steps our industry has taken over the last year include developing a comprehensive set of best-management practices for the planting of insecticide-treated corn seeds and actively communicating this information to growers. We've also been establishing better communications and positive relationships between beekeepers, growers, and our industry to help protect pollinators and find solutions to ongoing pollinator health issues. Many of our member companies have been investing in new hive health products, which are themselves pesticides, to protect bees from potentially devastating hive pests such as the varroa mite.
One thing that is often overlooked is that pesticides are one of the most heavily regulated substances on the market. Health Canada's PMRA is one of the most respected regulatory bodies in the world, one that is routinely used as an example by other nations seeking to strengthen and modernize their regulatory frameworks. PMRA thoroughly assesses all pest control products before they are approved for use and sale in Canada. Part of this assessment includes a rigorous evaluation of the potential impact on wildlife and other non-target organisms.
While neonicotinoids are toxic to insects, they have a very low toxicity for most wildlife. In addition, the targeted nature of seed treatment technology minimizes the exposure to beneficial insects such as pollinators. At present, some neonicotinoids are undergoing a re-evaluation. This is a routine part of the PMRA process designed to ensure that all the latest science is considered when looking at previously approved products. We support Canada's rigorous regulatory system, including the regular re-evaluation of approved products. It ensures that regulatory decisions are continually evaluated against the best available science, and it ensures that Canadians can have the confidence in the innovations our industry develops.
Finally, some will no doubt point out that the European Commission recently announced its intention to ban certain neonicotinoid uses effective December 1 of this year. It's important to note that this was a split decision in Europe, with many member states voting against the recommendation. It's also worth noting that the commission based its recommendation on a report from the European Food Safety Authority, or EFSA, that was inconclusive and based on perceived data gaps that could have been addressed. For example, they did not take into account independent monitoring studies in a number of EU member states that clearly documented no impact on bee populations from neonicotinoid insecticides when used properly, nor did they consider real-world experience from other regions, including Canada. Nonetheless, they have still chosen to adopt an approach that represents a fundamental misapplication of the precautionary principle.
This decision sends a very negative signal to innovative R and D companies that rely on predictable science-based regulatory decisions. We view this as yet another example of politics trumping science in Europe, which has now become the world's largest food importer. This decision handcuffs farmers, will drive European food prices up even further, and will do absolutely nothing to improve pollinator health in Europe.
Pesticides and pollinators both play critical roles in agriculture. Both are essential for successful and sustainable food production to feed an ever-growing world population. Canada's plant science industry is committed to working with beekeepers, growers, and all interested parties to help improve and maintain pollinator health in Canada, both today and for generations to come.
Thank you very much for your attention.