First of all, with respect to communication with beekeepers, as a national organization we've reached out to the Canadian Honey Council, the national body that represents beekeepers across Canada. We've tried to work very closely with them throughout the last 12 months. I think the success of that is demonstrated in the two round tables we've held. They've been very successful. We're reasonably impressed with them for bringing that large a number of stakeholders together to address an issue in that kind of timeframe.
For us, it's broader than just the issue of pesticides. There's the broader issue of bee health, which is a concern because our industry is so inherently dependent on pollinators. The importance of protecting and promoting their health in general is very important to us. From that regard, we've had a very productive dialogue that we envision continuing indefinitely. We certainly hope to build that relationship across the country, as well as at the national level.