I'll take a shot at that, and then Kevin can fill in the blanks.
Yes, that is a huge issue. We're behind the eight ball all the time. I asked that question of the cattle industry: what's going to be their next antidote to infectious diseases or the various fly treatments? Well, they say the veterinary college looks at it and then they talk to the pesticide industry. There's enough profit to be generated from the cattle industry that it's worth their while then to proceed to explore that new product line. With our industry, we're so small that the profit margin really isn't there, so we basically are piggybacking on products that have already been developed for other purposes.
A further pet peeve is that Canadian beekeepers contribute between $1.5 billion and $2 billion of value to the canola industry, the blueberry industry, and the cucumber industry, for which we receive no remuneration.
So I see it as a goal that we as an industry need to really pursue in terms of working with stakeholders who require the services and who benefit from the services we provide. That's a possible solution to our issue.