That's a big part of the question. The task of this committee was not to look at what happened at incidents in Ontario last year. The Canadian Honey Council was brought into the picture after the fact and didn't know a whole lot around the circumstances.
In Alberta and Manitoba, and I'm not sure what other provinces.... We have crop insurance in most provinces. A couple of provinces have overwintering insurance, which is fairly new.
One possibility is looking at adding some kind of insurance coverage, tagging on to an overwintering program or something, if it can be administered that way. There's been talk about a fund being developed: a nickel per acre of corn, throw it into a pot, and have it as a fund to draw on. We need to really hash out which one is a better scenario.
In some cases, there may be a need for producers to deal directly with chemical companies. It depends on whether the label was followed correctly or not and what the circumstances were.
I can't speak to every situation.