Even before the spring of 2012, back in early 2011, our industry recognized that one of the partners, one of the stakeholders, that we didn't have enough dialogue or interaction with was the beekeeping community. We have very good relationships with all the major grower groups. We understand each other. We work on projects together. It wasn't early enough, maybe, but we said in 2011 that we needed to be more proactive and reach out to that beekeeping community. The spring of 2012 happened, but it didn't deter us. The goal for this round table we talked about is really what you're talking about: to get all the partners around the table.
In March, we really did have all the partners around the table. We had the equipment manufacturers there, we had all the grower groups, who either rely on pollination services or have an interest in this issue, we had the government there, and we had our industry there. It made for a very fruitful and positive dialogue. It was an opportunity for the beekeepers, for the growers, to hear from the equipment manufacturers precisely what they're working on and what they're doing. It was an opportunity for them to hear directly from our member companies, not only as an industry association but as the actual member companies, to talk about some of the specific work they're doing in terms of bee health and hive health products.
I think that's the kind of dialogue we want to see continue. I think that's where we're going to get constructive dialogue and move forward on this issue.