The industry has been working since these products were developed to continually improve the actual technology of how to adhere the chemical to the seed—the various polymers being used. That's an ongoing process each of the registrants are continually working with to try to make sure that product stays on there.
The other component that has been worked on is...quite often with this equipment they use a talc or graphite as a lubricant, so the seeds continue to flow through the seeding equipment. That talc obviously is very fine and can be released in dust in these pneumatic planters. Our industry has been working on a talc replacement product, which is a polymer that reduces the dust by over 90% versus talc. Right now, this year, it's being tested on large acreages throughout Ontario and Quebec in a variety of different seeding equipment. If the results are favourable, and the early results are very good, this would replace the talc currently being used and therefore further minimize dust.