It's okay. Thank you, Chair.
I'd like to thank our witnesses. I don't think I've ever seen a full house like this.
This is a very important subject. I remember we had witnesses in last year, and it was a very moving and memorable meeting.
I'm going to pose a question in French.
I spoke with people from the Fédération des apiculteurs du Québec. I think it is important that their opinion be expressed on the matter, as well.
As in Ontario, there have been similar cases in Quebec since 2009. There were fewer cases, but they are the same, and they were reported in the spring. The federation feels that it must use any means possible to inform farmers of the risks of these insecticides to bees and other pollinators. However, it is a David and Goliath struggle. It is very difficult to set in motion, and it is complex.
Furthermore, in light of the recent decisions of the European Union and the position taken by the Ontario Beekeepers' Association late last week, the Fédération des apiculteurs du Québec's board of directors met last night and passed a resolution asking that the use of neonicotinoids be banned in agriculture in Canada.
I would like to know what your opinion is with respect to their recent resolution.