I would suggest that certainly we can be aware. The first thing is communication between the local farmer and a beekeeper in his area, so the farmer knows exactly where the aviary is or where the hives are located, because they do move them around during the season. During the planting time, we need to be aware of it so that we can think about it. If a farmer has 10 fields to plant and pays attention to which way the wind is blowing, he might choose to go to one field as opposed to another that has hives around it, if the wind is out of the east on that particular day. He can take those things into account. Can a farmer decide he's not going to plant today? No. It's critical that he puts his crop in the ground when the soil is ready to receive the seed. Our manufacturing plant is out of our control in terms of what we do.
The other thing I want to mention, in terms of equipment, is that not all equipment has this problem. First of all, the seed treatment is on the seed, and adherence to the seed is one of the issues, but not all equipment is a pneumatic planter. The seed is planted four to eight centimetres deep. Bees do not burrow, so it is really not the treatment that's on the seed when it's in the ground; it's the dust that comes from it, which is where the pneumatic planters come in. The original pneumatic planters actually had some guards when they exhausted out of the sides, and they've changed those. The new planters they have now exhaust toward the soil and are about 18 inches off the soil.
Certainly, the equipment manufacturers have made some improvements already. Farmers quite often will change equipment that works better for themselves. A planter is one of the pieces of equipment that it's most difficult to change. We put an exact number of seeds per acre in the soil, and if we change the equipment, it changes the equation on how that piece of equipment works. When we change the number of seeds in the soil, we certainly change what we did for our fertility programs, what we did for our expected yield goals. Those are all things we have to take into account. And the planter is the most difficult equipment to modify.