Thank you so much. Thank you both for appearing.
Mr. McLaughlin, I remember meeting you at the bio-lobby at the Château. That was a good event. I am glad you are here.
I am part of a group that's trying to develop, and has actually developed, an innovation centre in Guelph. The reason we've done this is because it seems there is a gap between the minds and the money. We refer to it here, as many have, as the “valley of death”. It is that gap between innovation and ideas, and actually commercializing it and getting it out there. I was reading in a Saskatoon newspaper that we have an agricultural productivity clip of 1.7% growth per year that's needed. We need 1.7% if we are really going to meet the demands of the world as our population grows.
I've talked about incentivizing the industry. I talked to you about incentivizing the industry—flow-through shares and credits. Governments don't want to pick winners and losers. SR and ED, on the research and innovation, allows them to not pick winners and losers, right? I'm wondering if you agree with that idea of flow-through shares and credits. If not, is there anything else you might add to the conversation as an incentive? I know we have the developing innovative agriproducts component of Growing Forward. I'm told it's not enough. We need more. What more do we need?