Thanks. I wish my members were as attentive to my program as you are. That's terrific. Thank you very much. I really appreciate that.
I've talked with Jackie, of course, who will be one of the presenters. I've talked with Al and I've talked with Tim. The idea in my mind is I'd really like to generate a discussion. There will be some presentations. Jackie will give a lot of the update as to what we've been doing for the last number of years, where we are, particularly with the poultry codes because that's what's important to my guys, and where we're going with the animal care assessment model, all that kind of stuff. But I really want my members to hear from our customers, one representing grocery retail and one representing a big food service company, on what's important to them from an animal welfare point of view.
I have these conversations with them a lot. I'd like my members to hear it as well. What's important regarding protecting the brand? What am I hearing from consumers? Why do I believe in the National Farm Animal Care Council process? What do I need from you, the suppliers?
I'm hoping that after about 45 minutes of presentations—Jackie, you only have 15; that's all you get—between the three, we can have a good, long chunk of discussion about where we're going, why we're going there, and whether we do it together.
I'll let you know in four weeks how it went. I'm looking forward to it. I think it should be one of the best sessions.