We're trying to make sure everybody understands the rules and if we have agreement.
Thank you for your patience.
Joining us today as an individual is Professor Tina Widowski from the University of Guelph's Department of Animal and Poultry Science. She is also the Egg Farmers of Canada research chair in poultry welfare.
From the Chicken Farmers of Canada, we have Mike Dungate, executive director, and Steve Leech, national program manager of food safety and animal welfare.
From the Retail Council of Canada, we have David Wilkes, senior vice-president of the grocery division and government relations.
Joining us through video conference from Toronto, also on behalf of the Retail Council of Canada, we have Ms. Heather Mak, manager of sustainability. Welcome.
I have spoken with the people at the table. We're looking for a brief presentation. We'll start with Mike or Steve, and we'll move down the row, and then we'll move to the committee members for questions.
Mr. Dungate, please, and welcome.