Yes, it does. It was tabled about a year ago now, and it was passed last fall. What it does is give those inspectors increased powers to ask for documentation in a more timely way. That was the weak link—the days it took XL to actually put the package of documentation together that the inspectors were asking for.
It also demands of all federally regulated industries that their documentation is done in a standardized format that's immediately usable. The inspectors will tell you that when they first started asking for documentation, a lot of it wasn't even held on site and had to be brought in from other offices under the XL umbrella. It was like a patchwork quilt. A forensic detective was almost required to trace down and track how it all fit together. This takes up valuable time. Recalls rely on by-the-minute, by-the-hour documentation to get that product off the shelves and make sure that Canadians are aware of what's out there. The standardized format that's now required under S-11 and the increased powers to demand timely access to documentation make a difference moving forward.