Thank you, Mr. Chair, for the opportunity to provide the Canadian wine industry's perspectives on CETA and discuss opportunities to take full advantage of this important agreement.
As the national voice of the Canadian wine industry, CVA membership accounts for more than 90% of domestic wine produced and sold across Canada. CVA members are engaged in the entire value chain, from grape growing and harvesting to wine production, retail, research, and tourism.
We produce two types of wine products, 100% Canadian wines, namely, product of Canada and VQA wines, as well as international Canadian blended wines, better known as ICB. Both wine categories are fundamental to the future success of Canadian wineries and grape growers.
Our industry is made up of 500 wineries and 1,600 grape growers, supporting the employment of 31,000 Canadians and contributing $1.2 billion in wages. Our national economic study released in March of this year confirmed that the Canadian wine industry contributes $6.8 billion to the national economy annually, broken out to $3.7 billion from our 100% Canadian wine business and $3.1 billion generated by our ICB wine business.
It may be surprising to learn that Canada is the third fastest growing wine market in the world, with consumption growing three times faster than the global average, and yet, with more and more Canadians choosing wine as their beverage of choice, Canadian wines represent a mere 30% domestic market share.
Wine is Europe's largest value-added agricultural export to Canada, and enjoys significant market access through provincial and territorial liquor board systems.
I'll give you a snapshot of EU wine sales: 190 million litres valued at just over $1 billion; 52% of total import value; 50% of import volume; and Italy, France, and Spain alone represent 91% of EU wine imports and three of the top five importing countries to Canada.
By comparison, roughly 50 Canadian wineries are presently involved in international business, with a primary focus in the U.S., Asia, and Europe. Total wine exports from Canada are valued at $41 million on 26 million litres of wine. Clearly we have a major wine trade imbalance with Europe, with exports of 403,000 litres valued at $2 million.
Unlike other agricultural sectors, Canada negotiated and signed a Canada-EU wine and spirits agreement in 2004, which will be incorporated into the new CETA. As a result, the majority of trade issues have already been negotiated, including mutual recognition of wine-making practices; protection of geographical indications; loss of common wine names, such as Chablis, champagne, port, and sherry, which we're going to lose in the next two weeks; wine certification; and an ice wine definition.
With most tariffs on EU wines entering Canada having been reduced or eliminated in 2008-09, the ratification of CETA will remove all remaining tariff lines ranging from 2¢ to 5¢ per litre, valued at approximately $4.5 million, according to federal officials. Removal of EU import tariffs on Canadian exports range from 19¢ to 45¢ per litre, providing a benefit of roughly $200,000.
CETA will also remove all import tariffs on viticulture and winery equipment entering Canada, such as tanks, harvesters, bottles, etc., thus reducing the cost of equipment imported from Europe.
Some liquor board cost-of-service differential calculations, primarily in Ontario, will have to be changed from an ad valorem to a flat fee schedule. This calculation is the difference between liquor board markups on domestic and imported wines, which only permit the recovery of higher costs of bringing wine to market. The Canadian wine industry remains hopeful that these changes will be revenue neutral and not result in any additional costs passed on to Canadian wineries.
CETA will also continue to permit private winery retail stores that exist in Ontario and British Columbia, but the number of stores will be capped at a maximum of 292 stores in Ontario and 60 stores in British Columbia.
Under CETA, export subsidies will no longer be permitted. Support for wine promotion will be permitted unless it can be proven that the level of support is causing a negative impact on domestic wine producers.
The Canadian wine industry supports CETA and free trade agreements in general. We believe that access to 500 million European consumers will enhance our export interests. In addition, anticipated domestic savings of $1,000 per Canadian resulting from CETA will support greater domestic buying power.
While CETA will provide greater export access for Canadian wines over time, the sheer size of EU wine sales in Canada, together with improved market access, tariff elimination, potential for lower cost of service, and attractive Canadian wine market will provide greater economic benefits to EU producers.
It is important to note that between 2000 and 2012, roughly 80% of wine sales growth in Canada came from imported wines. While wine exports are an important part of our future, we cannot ignore that CETA has the potential to further expand EU imports in a growing Canadian wine market.
To take full advantage of this agreement and build market share in both our premium and value priced categories, we require support of federal government policy to assist our sector become more competitive and increase our wine sales in both Canada and Europe.
We ask members of the committee to support the following recommendations.
First, after signing the CETA in principle, the EU announced renewal of its wine industry promotion program. Over the next five years, European wine producers will benefit from $38 million per year in European Commission support, matched by industry and/or member states, to promote wine sales at home and abroad. In support of Canadian wine industry growth, the federal government should enhance both domestic and export market promotion beyond the current $220,000 available through the Growing Forward 2 agri-marketing program.
European Union wines own a 50% market share in Canada, with 40% of wines sold below $10 per bottle. The federal government should level the playing field for Canadian grapes and expand the current excise duty exemption beyond 100% Canadian wines to include any Canadian grape content used in wines sold in Canada.
In Europe, wines labelled “product of France” must be made wholly from French grapes. In support of fairness, the federal government should amend the federal guide to food labelling and advertising, which currently permits a minimum 75% French grape content to use “product of France”, when “product of Canada” wines require 100% Canadian wine content.
Blended wines sold in Europe are labelled “blend of wines from different countries of the European Community”, or alternatively, “blend of wines from different countries outside the European Community”. In support of consistency with other food products sold in Canada, including the “made in Canada from imported and domestic ingredients”, we recommend that blended wines be designated “blended in Canada from imported and domestic wines”.
Finally, wines sold within the EU must adhere to an established list of regulated container shapes and sizes. In support of Canadian competitiveness, the federal government should maintain, rather than repeal, the existing container size regulations for wines sold in Canada.
In conclusion, we believe that CETA can provide economic benefits and, with some government support, we can take full advantage of this agreement and grow Canada's wine industry from a $6.8 billion to a $10 billion economic engine.
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to any questions.