Promotion is a big part of it. Obviously profitability is a big part of it. A big part is having the right tax structure in place and having a quality product in place through research and development. We are never going to be the largest producer in the world, because we are captive in terms of our geography, in terms of our climate, and in terms of our growing areas, so that's always going to be a hindrance to the industry. But promotion is a big part of it in Canadian wine, and in any wine.
Wine is about the story. That really helps sell a bottle of wine above and beyond the fact that it's fantastic and people want to come back to it. If we don't have the ability to promote our product the way our competition is promoting its product in every jurisdiction across this country, that puts us at somewhat of a disadvantage.
We are now growing. British Columbia, which you're very familiar with, typically sold within its borders, with a little bit of sales around the periphery. It's now grown to the point where it is looking more into the export market and selling its product across the country. But there has to be a familiarity with the product, so promotion has a big part to play.
If the liquor boards are getting hundreds of thousands of dollars from other countries to do advertisements and specials in their newsletters or their magazines and Canadian industry can't do that, they're going to sell the product of the competition.