Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you to the witnesses for coming.
I'm from Cape Breton, and our aquaculture is moving along pretty well. We've had some hiccups, but because of our clean water and our temperatures, it's doing quite well.
We had one situation with an oyster farmer. You mentioned the regulations. They're trying to get oyster seed from the States, and it's just been brutal going through the regulations. You have not only provincial and federal but also different departments. Some of them go through a Canadian agriculture agency, and the others go through DFO. This family has been going through hell in the last couple of years trying to get these oyster seeds in because they're resistant to a certain disease. They just can't get it done.
It just doesn't seem as though the government is changing. It's as if, as you said, it's stuck in this rut with old regulations from way back. With an industry growing so fast, with so much potential, who has to take the lead on this? I guess the federal government has to take the lead, but should it be a different department? Should it get out of DFO and be in agriculture? If you had a magic wand, who would you call on the carpet and say, “Okay, listen guys, this is what we have to do because Norway, Chile, and everybody else is just passing us by”?