Mr. Chairman and committee members, thank you for the opportunity to appear before the committee to speak to the Canada and European Union comprehensive economic and trade agreement and aspects of trade negotiation in general, which are of importance to Canada's horticultural sector.
The Canadian Horticultural Council represents producers across Canada primarily involved in the production and packaging of more than 100 fruit and vegetable crops. Members include provincial and national horticultural commodity organizations, as well as allied and service organizations, provincial governments and individual producers. The CHC represents members on key issues such as crop protection, access to a consistent supply of farm labour, food safety and traceability, fair access to markets, research and innovation, and government programs to ensure a more innovative, profitable, and sustainable horticultural industry for future generations.
The CHC and its members are committed to ensuring that strong Canadian farms will continue to be able to provide safe, secure, and healthy food for families in Canada and around the world. With a primary production value of over $5 billion and after-packaging or processing value of $10 billion, horticulture is one of Canada's largest agricultural production sectors.
At present, Canada imports very little fresh fruit from the EU, while slightly above 16% of total fresh fruit exports are destined for EU member states, the majority being frozen blueberries.
Total Canadian vegetable exports and imports in 2012 amounted to $1.05 billion in exports and $2.28 billion in imports. EU member states currently represent less than 0.3% of Canadian fresh vegetable exports and roughly 1.1% of Canadian fresh vegetable imports.
While the U.S. is our most important trading partner, we welcome opportunities for growth in other markets. We fully support the intents and directions of the CETA agreement in principle. The CHC has long been committed to undertaking all necessary efforts to exempt Canadian horticultural products from tariffs or obtain duty-free entry into the European Economic Community. The EU is certainly a market that has potential to benefit Canadian horticultural producers once the agreement is implemented.
We believe that strong effort should be directed toward achieving a market-oriented horticultural industry. Government's role is fundamentally to facilitate this process, to be a catalyst, and CETA appears to go a long way in accomplishing just that.
CETA is a comprehensive agreement that will cover virtually all sectors and aspects of Canada-EU trade, including both measures that have a direct impact on trade and are felt at the border, such as tariffs and customs procedures, and those that are felt behind the border, such as product certification and technical standards.
While recognizing the inherent potential benefits of international trade agreements such as NAFTA and now CETA, our objective continues to be automatically triggered emergency mechanisms as a protection against occasional and massive surges of foreign surpluses at distressed prices. Therefore, the CHC fully supports CETA's intended competition provisions to ensure that the benefits of the agreement are not offset by anti-competitive business conduct.
CHC believes that the federal government should ensure greater attention is paid to the monitoring of imports, with quick and effective corrective action taken against violations through legitimate trade instruments and procedures. The CHC urges the federal government to establish a comprehensive system of monitoring prices of imported goods, subsidies, and export assistance to industry in foreign countries in order that fast and appropriate action may be taken against imports in violation of trade agreements such as CETA.
Of particular concern is the EU's use of non-tariff barriers, such as sanitary and phytosanitary measures and environmental and animal welfare standards. Also, while CETA includes provisions for dispute resolution mechanisms and the establishment of committees to resolve trade irritants, it does not otherwise address the biggest non-tariff barrier that Canadian producers face in Europe, that being domestic subsidy programs that create disparity in competitiveness.
Food safety is imperative to the produce industry and an area where it is essential that all are held to the same standards. It is also important that these measures be truly focused on providing safe food for consumers and not be used as a cover for protectionism. It will be crucial that governments of both Canada and the EU strive for joint recognition of industry-led food safety programs that have demonstrated their efficacy to ensure safe food in each country.
Canadian producers have taken food safety and traceability seriously. The successful recognition of CanadaGAP, the on-farm food safety program for Canadian-grown fruit and vegetables, by the Global Food Safety Initiative, GFSI, has been a success story for industry and government and a testament to what can be achieved through government and industry collaboration.
Major Canadian buyers require proof of implementation and certification to a GFSI-recognized program as a condition of sale. We maintain that imported products must be subject to this and scrutinized to the same requirements as domestic production. This must be a consideration for all future trade negotiations and agreements.
Under CETA, both Canada and the EU will identify joint cooperative activities and establish an annual high-level dialogue on regulatory matters. A new sanitary and phytosanitary measures joint management committee will provide a venue for experts to discuss issues before they become major trade problems.
The opportunity as we look ahead is to use free trade agreements like CETA to attain regulatory harmonization around maximum residue levels and sanitary and phytosanitary agreements. To facilitate market growth opportunities that CETA will create, governments on both sides must fully utilize the agreement to address the lack of regulatory harmonization, especially as new innovations in agriculture emerge in the context of new technology around detection.
CHC is aligned in thought with other production sectors and the global crop protection industry that has serious concerns about the European Union's regulatory framework for plant protection products, particularly the European hazard-based approach to pesticide registration. In our view, this has the potential to be a significant non-trade barrier for Canadian agriculture and agrifood products.
The approach taken by the European Union moves it away from a science-based approach. The European Union will impact not only trade in pesticides, current and future, but also in food, feed, and seed products using those pesticides. We believe this approach is not consistent with the World Trade Organization sanitary and phytosanitary agreement, to which the European Union is a signatory. Growers will potentially be prevented from using a large number of safe, effective pesticides that have been assessed by Health Canada.
The CHC is committed to working with the relevant government departments and agencies to develop and maintain markets, both domestic and international, to ensure the sustainability of these markets, to support the Canada brand, and to increase the overall consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.
We congratulate the Government of Canada on its perseverance and success in concluding the Canada and European Union comprehensive economic trade agreement.
Thank you.