Let's not forget that you had the most significant and exhaustive review of rail freight service this country has ever held only two years ago. The panel met with over 80 different stakeholder groups and read over 140 submissions from stakeholders across the country and they came up with an exhaustive list of recommendations. The needs of shippers haven't changed much from 2008 to 2010 to today. They still demand performance standards, they still demand that railways make commitments according to those standards, they still demand that they be held accountable when they fail to meet those standards, and they still demand that we have quick and inexpensive dispute resolution mechanisms in place. Those needs haven't changed since the time the panel made its findings known.
The crisis we face right now is more than just simply not having an effective communication protocol or effective performance measures or effective dispute resolution mechanisms in place. It's about capacity. If we don't have capacity, all those other things don't matter, and that's what needs to be addressed immediately. You need a plan in place for the next six months that will...not a plan, you need commitments in place for the next six months that describe exactly what will be done to get this crop moving.