I think the stick needs to be built into the contract because right now there's a lack of accountability. There are major players in the chain, starting with the farmer and then the shipper, the grain company itself, then the railway, to the terminal, and onto the boat. That contractual chain needs to be all linked up with reciprocal penalties between each one of those parties, each link in the chain, with each one being accountable to the other, with actual penalties and repercussions for not living up to the commitments under the contract.
So if the ships are waiting and the railways are at fault, the ship demurrage comes and sticks to the railways. If the grain companies are beholden to the farmer, then the grain companies hold the railway accountable. That whole chain needs to be tightened up with reciprocal penalties all the way through it to bring accountability to the system. I think that is the stick that is required.