We size our fleet, really, based on what we believe the ports can handle. The reason we've increased the number of cars is because, in effect, we saw in the fall that Prince Rupert and Vancouver were able to move more grain through than we had previously thought they were going to be able to. So we said, okay, if they can move the grain, we'd better add more cars.
With regard to the question of January, you can't really compare this January to last January. This is a far more severe month. There were times in January where we had as many as 35 trains sitting because it was too cold to get the air up to get them moving again.
But with regard to crude, first of all, crude is a tiny piece of our business. About 2% of our business is crude. I don't have numbers in front of me. I know that we have a backlog in crude just like we do in other commodities. Whether the absolute number was up, I'm not sure. But if it was up, it was based on a very small number.