Right now we're facing a drastic situation in western Canada because a lot of the grain is not moving. November contracts are put into April or May of this year. The Red River Valley is probably going to flood, and they have a whole bunch of grain in that area. There has been no logistics plan to take care of that problem. But when it comes right down to it, what you have to do within this system is to plan the whole thing, and you have to have the penalties in place.
Railways right now are short engines and human resources to run those trains, and that's been in the planning for 9 to 12 months. CN went through the same thing a couple of years earlier, so they lost crews and engines.
To immediately get grain moving in western Canada, you'd have to take resources away from other areas of transportation such as coal, or potash, or whatever, and put that towards grain to get the grain moving. They can't physically put the assets in place to move the grain, so they have to steal from some other place to do it.
If they don't do that, this year is going to be a wash. It's not going to improve this year. But our biggest fear is that this is going to move into next year and then cause an even bigger problem next year. Because the cashflow situation for a lot of farmers is going to be desperate by next year if this continues.