Yes. Let me just pick up on the second point that you raised. You used the phrase “reliability and predictability” and caught my attention with that. That's something we've tried to speak about a lot because at CP we do a lot of contracting with customers across our different lines of business. That's not necessarily the case in terms of grain and that's because this marketplace is regulated in a very specific way unlike other lines of business that we have.
That double component that you talked about is precisely what we're always trying to do. How do we increase the visibility on demand? One of the things you're shooting for here is if a customer is looking for greater reliability and predictability, the railway is obviously looking for a much higher visibility on demand.
When we do contracts, both of these elements are in play. You have contracts sometimes where customers are willing to make specific commitments about certain volumes of traffic they want to send our way. That's not always the case and that's up to the customer, but when you're not willing to make any kind of commitment in that regard, it makes it tougher for us, obviously, to get a sense of what it is we're going to have to do.
The government went through, and I won't take too much time, Mr. Chairman—