The one comment I wanted to add was with respect to western Canada, a high priority area for us. We're a bulk railway and 40% of what we move are bulk commodities. They tend to be located in western Canada, whether it's coal or potash or grain, and grain is the largest of those. We have a high priority in terms of our capital spend. We spend about 20% of revenue—and very few industries do this, if any—on capital every year, and a big priority for us has been in western Canada.
I mentioned our north main line, Edmonton to Winnipeg. Who benefits from that? Obviously, the products we're talking about here, in bulk, are major beneficiaries, though not exclusively. We don't build lines specifically thinking about one product or another all the time, but there's clearly an advantage there for that kind of expenditure.
We just announced that our capital program is even going to be larger in 2014 than it was in 2013, so there's more to come in terms of investment in western Canada. I can get into more detail in terms of where we think we might...because we think there are some advantages in terms of more sidings, and all of that is where we have our line of sight.