I think it was touched on by everybody involved but I do agree with other presenters that it's hard to regulate every detail on every corridor and you go further and further down into a hole of trying to regulate everything. But maybe having some broad outlines would be good. If it's a million tonnes of wheat that's all going to move to Vancouver in an uncoordinated fashion, that's not going to serve the system really well, so perhaps there's a place for a few subsets, some nod to the fact that not all of our grain goes west. We have domestic people who need grain. We have U.S. customers who need product. We've got oats that are $3 a bushel more valuable in the U.S. than they are in Canada because we can't get them there.
There's a number of problems with setting just a broad overall target. I wish I had better solutions. I would think that it might be useful to try to set the targets for corridors rather than just setting an overall movement target. I think there might be some advantage in that.