I look at the present legislation as a short-term solution. We have to start looking at longer term solutions. That's why I say, as a grain producer, I can identify the challenges on my farm, but certainly, on the challenges that the elevator companies are facing, I know some of them, but I don't know all of their business, and it's the same with the railroads, the same with the ports. Perhaps we can get everybody to just calm down, step back, think about this, and then let's all get together and let's see what the challenges are in each of our different sectors and how we can work together to get this grain moving, or get any product moving.
We're talking about grain here. Certainly, we've heard about the mining situation. They're worried about movement of product. I've heard the fertilizer industry is struggling, and so is potash, and so is the forestry industry.
I don't want to operate in a box here. I would much rather work with everybody to put a plan in place for the long-term future and get grain moving, or ore moving, or fertilizer moving so we can meet our customers' expectations.