I can quote Ian here. He states it. He says, “We require transparency both for prices and grain flow. We need an improved information process that approves the market information.” He says that we can go some distance by getting better information out there to the public.
The numbers are out there. When you look at the basis price you see what.... I know that when you look at the price the Wheat Board got before and what they're getting now....
We're not sitting here saying that we want the Wheat Board back, but we're saying that you need somebody here who is going to monitor your prices, the transportation. You need some sort of watchdog and regulatory process that's going to guarantee that the farmers get their fair share here. Just stating, “Okay, we're going to move so many cars of grain” is not necessarily going to put more money into farmers' pocket if they don't get their contracts delivered on time and they don't receive the price that they're due.