High risk research is research where you're looking at things that don't necessarily derive value to industry immediately. So industry struggles to sometimes invest in it.
But on the food safety file, for example, it's the long-term evolution of food safety issues—something like E. coli, where you need constant investment—which really speaks to having that capacity available as things emerge, so that you're not trying to address them reactively but proactively.
Basic research also includes things like feed grain and genetic development, and all of those types of investments. To some extent, especially in the beef industry and in western Canada, the profiles of the feed grains that we use are not easily integrated into private research programs, because of the fact that you can save seed on the farm. So public investment is necessary when you speak about barley, wheat, and those types of things. Those are long-term programs, 10 years plus, to get results.
Speaking to the second part of that question, you need continual funding. One of the things we see with the current programming of five years is gaps in funding, which is when you lose capacity because they're looking for that long-term funding to attract graduate students to their programs. It's that difference between project-based funding and program-based funding. Sometimes it doesn't always need to be 10 years in length, but sometimes for certain stuff it does. When you have gaps, that's when you see issues and the departure of individuals.