I was going to toss in a little bit of sunshine amongst all the doom and gloom, because despite what you may see in the Twitterverse, the number of nations that are planting biotech crops continues to rise every year. The number of acres being planted continues to rise. The yields continue to rise. Why is that? That's because they actually are shown to work.
I'll give you one small example. The nation of Burkina Faso in Africa started planting Bt cotton in 2012, I believe, and saw a 58% yield increase in one year. That's a real, meaningful benefit for the people of Burkina Faso, and you're now starting to see more uptake in Africa.
Notwithstanding some of the media and political pressures that we all may sit here and discuss, the reality is that uptake continues to go up, and it continues to go up on a very steady climb.