As I said, Genome Canada received some $65 million in last year's budget, and they were very, very, very happy. There were no complaints from Genome Canada. I just find it interesting that now.... I guess that's what happens: you have so many people looking for their projects and saying that they need more, they need this, they need that, and there are only so many dollars to go around.
Again, you look at your business model and you say that if you need more research and development to maintain your leadership edge, whether it's semen, tractors, or air seeders, you realize how much you have to adjust your percentages in research and development to get that, because that is your business. If another business is out-competing you because they're spending more money on research and development, I don't know if the taxpayers are necessarily supposed to be there for you. They're there to help you, but in the same breath, they're not there to pay all your research and development bills.