Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for the opportunity to appear here before you again. We've waited a long time to be able to talk with you about a successful Canada-Europe trade agreement. I can't tell you how pleased we are to be here today talking about having a successful agreement. We're very much supportive of it.
Of course, the Canadian Cattlemen's Association hasn't only been waiting passively for the CETA to be achieved. We have been actively engaged throughout the negotiations. We have engaged closely with the Canadian negotiators to provide advice and feedback during the negotiations. We have also met frequently with the EU negotiators and with representatives of the member states. We've also met with members of the European Parliament. We've made those efforts both here in Canada and in Brussels.
Last, but also very important, the Canadian Cattlemen's Association has also engaged with cattle producer groups in Europe. We've travelled to France, Spain, England, and Ireland, some of the main cattle-producing countries in Europe, to reach out to our counterparts in those countries, establish relationships with them, and engage in dialogue.
We feel that this has really been very helpful in overcoming some sensitivities that might have otherwise prevented us from reaching a successful conclusion for the beef sector. We are going to continue to work hard to build on these relationships as we move forward now into the implementation phase of the CETA.
But really what did we get in the agreement? Of course, I assume you all have the document that was tabled in Parliament, and at the bottom of page 9 is the summary of what was achieved in the beef agreement. As far as we're concerned, that does provide an accurate account of what our understanding of the agreement is.
With respect to beef products, there are four quotas. First of all, there is 35,000 tonnes carcass weight that will be duty-free fresh beef. The second is 15,000 tonnes carcass weight duty-free frozen beef. Those first two are new quotas that will be for any grade of beef, including veal, and available for Canada only.
The third is the existing Hilton quota that is for high grading beef, and that currently has a 20% rate of duty that Canada shares with the United States. On day one of the CETA, when it's implemented, the duty rate for Canada will drop to 0%, while U.S. beef will continue to pay the 20% duty. So that quota, the Hilton quota, is 11,500 tonnes product weight or 14,950 tonnes carcass weight. I'm going to leave it to one of you to ask me what the difference between carcass and product weight is.
The fourth is also an existing quota that was provided a few years ago as compensation for the hormone dispute. It currently provides 48,200 tonnes product weight of duty-free access for high-quality beef. That quota is available on a most-favoured nation basis, MFN, meaning that it's shared amongst several countries. During the CETA negotiations, Canada agreed to take its 3,200 tonnes out of this MFN quota and in return we secured a higher quantity in the new quota just for Canada. As a result, the current 48,200 MFN quantity will drop to 45,000 tonnes when the CETA is implemented. That's always the trickiest one that I explain to folks.
Also, there are several other products, edible offals, tallow, rendered products, processed beef, hides, and skins that will all gain unlimited duty-free access into the EU under the CETA.
As I said earlier, we were closely consulted on every one of these decisions during the negotiations and we are very pleased with the outcome and strongly support this agreement going forward.
We estimate that fresh beef exports to the EU will be worth approximately $11 per kilo and the frozen approximately $6 per kilo. On that basis we bring the potential value of the CETA to over $600 million for the beef sector.
On previous appearances at this committee, I stressed the importance of dealing with both the tariffs and the technical access barriers.
On the cattle production side, we know that the cattle have to be raised according to the EU protocols. That means no growth-enhancing products, no hormone implants, no beta-agonists. Despite those products being safe and approved for use in Canada, the EU simply refuses to allow them. Fortunately, we feel that the value of the EU beef market is high enough that many Canadian producers will elect to incur the additional cost of raising cattle without those products.
We always said we would be pragmatic about this issue and that if the access was worth our while we would accept that condition. We feel that we received a result that makes it worthwhile. We estimate that Canada would need to produce approximately 500,000 head of cattle annually to meet the access under the EU protocol. Clearly, we don't need every producer to make the decision to raise cattle under the EU protocol, but we feel that enough will.
On the processing side, Jim Laws is going to speak in more detail about the technical issues for the processing sector. I'm going to agree with him in advance that it's vitally important that we complete the work to ensure the beef slaughter facilities and processing facilities across Canada are approved to export to the EU. This is the key to making this agreement work for us. Currently we have only two very small facilities approved to export to the EU, and they're both in Alberta. If you're a cattle producer in Nova Scotia or Ontario and you're already producing cattle in a manner that would be acceptable to the EU, you still need EU-approved facilities in geographic proximity to you in order to access the EU with that beef. By the same token, if you're a large operator in Alberta or Saskatchewan, you're going to need those large processing facilities in High River and Brooks to be able to compete for those EU-eligible animals.
We understand that a one-year deadline was established to resolve those outstanding technical issues. Once those plant approvals are achieved, we can start making better use of the quotas that already exist, the pre-existing quotas that have been underutilized.
This is the natural point to turn it over to Jim.
I'll look forward to your questions afterwards.