I think that's the nature of trade. The European economy is clearly much larger than the Canadian economy. If you look at the benefits on a GDP basis, the studies have shown that Canada is actually going to fare better than Europe will in terms of reciprocal trade.
Ultimately, from a Canadian perspective and an agrifood perspective, we have to open up markets around the world. We have a real expertise in producing agricultural products and in producing food products and doing food processing.
In terms of the European Union, we have a real opportunity here to increase our shipments of beef and pork. That really helps to adjust an imbalance that currently exists. The Europeans now have full access to the Canadian market for pork. Our ability to start shipping 81,000 tonnes to them really starts to address that imbalance. Certainly from a beef standpoint—and John will probably want to talk to this—just given the situation with the European industry and the difficulties they have shipping to North America, I think we have a good chance of coming out ahead of them in this case.
There are also other opportunities. The Europeans right now, although they are large producers of grain, have, in fact, a grain deficit when it comes to feedstock both for livestock and for their biofuels industry. We really have an opportunity there to start shipping those products to them in far greater numbers than they ship to us, and that is the nature of trade. You specialize in the products you're particularly good at and particularly efficient at; you ship those to other countries, and they, in turn, ship products to you for which they have economies of scale or better efficiencies. I think that is what we're going to see as a result of the CETA.