Sure. I'll comment on the first part, and then maybe George will comment on food safety and traceability.
In terms of the programs, I guess the issue we've had in the past has just been with the time it takes for different programs to start up. In the case of Growing Forward 1, by the time it actually got running and applications were sent in and approved, there was usually a lag of about six months to a year before we would actually get the program started. The funding usually ends up running out before the end of the program, and then there's a gap. When Growing Forward 2 started, we put in applications right away, but then it was six months to a year before those applications were actually approved.
You end up having gaps of six months to a year between research programs, during which time you don't know whether or not you're going to be funded. Those gaps create a lot of problems with continuity and with getting research scientists, who will move to other sectors or industries, as well as with research technicians and people you have to hire on a contracting basis. They will move to other jobs, and then by the time you actually get funding, you will be in a gap and you'll be delayed again just trying to find people to replace them.
Programs that are supposed to be for five years end up getting cut down to more like three and a half to four years which, even if you get funding, makes it more difficult to transition to longer-term projects. You end up having to do short-term projects because you are not able to secure the resources necessary for those longer-term issues.
In general, those are some of the issues we've seen with the programming.