It's hard to pick one single thing, Mr. Hoback. I think it's the combination of investing in a way that ensures farmers can grow the crop profitably, and the market really understands the value of that canola. It's the entire profit cycle. Consumers aren't going to be willing to pay for the crop if they don't truly understand its health benefits or its meal attributes. When they're willing to pay for the crop, it makes it more profitable for farmers to grow, and the more the industry will invest in it. That's how you get that sustained profitability cycle.
You talked about the yields. One of the things that really caused canola to take off was the development of herbicide tolerant technology in the 1990s. That's when you really saw the jump in yields. As an agriculture industry, we talked about that in the context of how good it was for the farmer. I think we also need to tell that story in terms of how good it is for the consumer. The use of herbicide tolerants means we are producing more food on the same amount of land. It means we're using less fossil fuels to produce a larger crop. It means we're using fewer crop protection products to produce more of a crop. There's a phenomenal sustainability story there that I think is going to help—