If you look at clause 5, that I read out to you, it has not accommodated the ability of a smallholder farmer. Let's talk about this idea of saving seeds, the big advantage of saving seeds. We know what happened in Monsanto. Somebody could have had something come on to their farm, and maybe after harvest they never cared about it and it grows in this harvest season, and eventually they can be bushwhacked, they can be pre-empted by breeders.
I'm trying to say that we could at least accommodate smallholder farmers, however we want to define them, and allow them to go to the market with their harvest. In that way we recognize there are other actors in an agricultural process, sorters, and breeders, and high-tech agricultural corporations.
One of the issues around UPOV 91, and I agree with you as a Canadian that our agriculture is highly industrialized and we need to protect that heritage as well, but then—