We don't have information, really, from our crop insurance; the Financière agricole takes care of our crop insurance. We do not have information because normally the farmer is obliged to use certified seed, so right away if you have a problem and you're not using certified seed, well, you don't have a payment. Normally they have to get it.
Like I was saying, though, and like you're talking about, corn has been a hybrid since the 1930s. The yield increase is around 2% per year. Wheat is not really...well, now it's going to be a little more protected for the breeders, but on the yield increase, if it's 1%, it's the maximum, and it's probably less than that. As for what we're seeing in Quebec and why there's so much more corn than soybeans, it's because of the return on investment for the farmers. It's not there for wheat, barley, or oats, because the increase in yields is not there as much.