Yes, thanks. Absolutely. I think when we look at the role that farms and farmers play in our society, urban Canadians have never been more interested in food, in connecting with the people who produce their food. We're seeing small towns dying all over rural Canada. We're losing schools and hockey leagues because fewer and fewer people are in the business of farming.
When you look at the big picture in agriculture and you want to promote agricultural growth in Canada, you want to have more farmers. If we continue on the trend we've been on for the past 30 to 40 years, we're going to be in crisis, just in terms of having people to do this work. We see lots of people who are interested in coming into farming from non-farming backgrounds. The main reason they don't do it is that they can't make money at it. I think we need to take a comprehensive look at how to make farming on a smaller scale, the family farm model, viable again in Canada, because increasingly it's not viable. I don't think any of us are looking for subsidies or handouts. We just want the market conditions that allow us to compete.