Although I tend not to always agree with my friend across the way, I'll agree with part of his statement on this particular amendment. It is, quite truthfully, extremely vague. Unless you're sitting here through all the testimony, it's a bit of a reach to really understand what exactly it is, albeit we understand what it is in the sense of what we believe is a farmer's right, rather than a privilege. We think “privilege” is the wrong terminology. It conveys the wrong meaning, in my view. The government has deemed fit to accept what we thought was a strengthened amendment. I don't want to go back and debate it, because we did support the government's small step forward. I just don't think it follows with the infamous statement that was made on the moon, about one small step for mankind, and then something else. The other part, the something else, could have passed with ours.
We'll support this amendment even though it is vague. It's an attempt to go forward with a farmer's right, but it leaves a lot of things open to interpretation, and that's always problematic. As my friends down there would say, we'd have to regulate it to death to try to figure out what it means.
But it's an attempt to do something, perhaps a little more than my friends across the way were hoping for.