The current wording of the act says that the minister may consider information. There may be very relevant, very pertinent information. It may be supplementary information. He may consider that. He has to use his judgment, as he should, actually.
He's the minister. He should be able to use his judgment. Any type of research that is useful and meaningful would be considered. Why not? What would you be afraid of if it was being considered?
I don't see this being a threat to sovereignty or sovereign decisions. The Government of Canada makes decisions. It may or may not reference studies and reviews that occurred in other countries. But certainly, a decision that affects Canada is made by the Government of Canada and there's no forsaking of its rights regarding sovereignty in that domain, so I don't find the deletion helpful at all.
In fact, one of the aims of this bill is to encourage innovation, science, and research in the agricultural sector, and having more information available or potentially available would be helpful to the cause, not detrimental to the cause.