Thank you, Chair.
We're moving into another category that deals with fines and penalties. As we can see, the minister is going to have discretion and they're pretty hefty fines. For minor violations it will be $5,000, for serious ones, $15,000, and for the very serious, $25,000.
It concerns me a lot, and there is no doubt about it, that Canadians and farmers and the rest of the world want to feel that they have the safest food possible when they buy Canadian food. We all agree on that. What I have a problem with is these fines.
I've been in the farming business and the inspectors came on our property, and a lot of times they would coach us on how to better our products and how to better handle our products. When we had the presentation from the Canadian Cattlemen's Association, their concern about this part of the bill was that it has gone from the CFIA being a bit of a coach to being a bit of a referee. When you look at these penalties they are pretty hefty. For instance, if you have a farmer who has a carrot packing line and one of the packers forgets to put on his or her hairnet and an inspector sees that, all of a sudden there is a $5,000 fine for a minor violation. There is no rhyme nor reason to that kind of fine for that situation.
There is no doubt if you have a big killing plant, and they are processing chickens, and the water is not done right and there is salmonella in the water then big fines have to be put in place for big, serious offences.
I have a problem with the amount of the fine. Some inspectors might have a little bit of an axe to grind with some of the farmers and all of a sudden are slapping on fines. Not only could that cripple a farmer, but it could also slow down his production. I have a real problem with that.
We need something in place. We definitely need an appeal process in place so that if a farmer or somebody else is producing food and making jams or whatever and gets this big fine, they can go to an appeal and there is some sort of board consisting of farmers and people in the food industry for the people who have been fined to go to.
It's heavy-handed. I don't think it's going to help the agriculture industry. It will just drive big fines instead of helping to move the industry forward, especially when you see the cutting of many inspectors that we see in the system, so there are fewer CFIA inspectors. I see this as starting up a new system that's really not going to make our food any safer. It's going to hit people when they can't afford it and it gives too much power to the inspectors.
That's why I'm changing. It says this:
That Bill C-18, in Clause 114, be amended by adding after line 24 on page 77 the following: “(1.1) Section 4 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (1): (1.1) Before the Minister makes a regulation designating a violation under paragraph (l)(a) or fixing a penalty in respect of a violation under paragraph (l)(c), he or she shall consult with a cross-section of persons and businesses involved in the agriculture industry.”
That way, Mr. Chair, the inspector knows he can't go willy-nilly and put these fines on without some repercussions or without the individual having some say in the process.
We have to have a watchdog in place from the food industry because at the end of the day the food industry wants to be safe and healthy. They need to be involved if programs are going to be set up like HACCP. They also have to be involved, when fines are implemented, in how much the fines are.
That's why I'm putting in this amendment. It was also stated by some witnesses that this part of Bill C-18 has some concerns about the amount of penalties that are in place.