That was the second investment when it comes to the Canadian cattle identification and we're going beyond that. It's all livestock now. This will build the capacity to put all the data together so that we actually have flow. Right now there's a separate system in Quebec, which is an excellent system. We've patterned the rest of the country on that, using that as an anchor. Now the data is being exchanged. As you know, cattle aren't born, raised, and slaughtered all in the same area. They move. They're very transient. So we're able to trace them now.
We have a growing recognition of the value of genomics throughout Canada so we have a good database when it comes to genomics. One of the major sectors, and I was just at Agribition this Monday, with buyers from all around the world. I know the stats for last year. I haven't seen them for this year yet because it's not over, but we had 800 representatives from 65 different countries at Agribition looking at genetics, every type of breed of livestock you could think of there. A lot of good contacts and sales were made. We continue to see genetics growing in demand in all the emerging markets like China as well as back to Europe. I mean, a lot of the initial cattle stocks, Hereford and Angus, came from Europe and were developed here with offshoots now to Simmental and Polled Hereford and all that and they're being bought back into Europe.
I met with a group from Great Britain at the show because they were buying Speckle Park, which of course is a breed of beef animal that was developed in my neck of the woods. They have a bit of a track record. They were coming back to renew some of their bulls and cows and continue to build that herd. The pool of resource here, when it comes to genomics and traceability.... Canada is now number one again, simply because of the work that we've done as a government working with industry. As you said, at first a lot of ranchers thought it's going to cost them $4 an animal so they weren't going to pay it. Now they look at it as a tool in order to continue to open up and access markets.