The whole European theatre is one of the largest consumer food buying groups in the world, with some 500 million people. With the completion of that free trade agreement, coupled with NAFTA with the U.S. and so on, it gives us access to half of the growth in food demand in the world. We're quite happy with that.
Europe is an opportunity for a lot of our processors to have access to high-end goods. This is not just a hamburger operation over there. They're looking for the better cuts in our pork and in our beef. They're losing the capacity to supply their own people, as land goes under pavement, and as their urban centres grow. We have the capacity here, the unlimited amount of land and fresh water, and of course the innovation and ability of our farmers to produce.
They're happy with the agreement, as are we. You know you're always going to see the naysayers get the ink in the press, but at the end of the day all of my contacts that I've developed over the past five years as we've worked this through are extremely happy with being able to have this agreement with Canada.