In terms of the numbers, as we mentioned before when we were here as part of the deficit reduction action plan, the department announced a significant reduction in its population of employees, and the numbers you are quoting are correct. In the draft, we had announced a reduction of about 600 employees.
In terms of funding that was lapsed last year, you have two items that are shown in the estimates today. They are in fact funds that we lapsed last year, but they're coming back to the reference level. I am on page 2-2 of the English version of the estimates, and there's an item of $41.6 million. These are funds that we lapsed last year that are coming back for approval to the committee today.
As well, an amount of $3 million for the Canadian Wheat Board is also shown here today for approval.
The department tries to maximize the use of its resources, but if funds do lapse, we have a mechanism in place, with the approval of the Treasury Board, to bring funds from the last fiscal year forward to the current fiscal year.
In terms of the closure of the Cereal Research Centre, I'll maybe just address the infrastructure side of it. That facility was in dire need of repairs. We have two other facilities in Manitoba, in Brandon, Manitoba, and in Morden. As such we made a facility infrastructure change that has allowed the co-location of the science aspect from Winnipeg to those areas. However, I will allow my colleague in STB to provide you with more details on the science perspective.