It probably kicks in at somewhere around an extra 8 million pigs that we would see in our system. Right now we're sitting at about 21 million to 25 million pigs. So that's substantial for us, to be able to increase the size of our herd if we can, even just to sit where we are today or to make use of that.
But more important, I think, is to have that opportunity and the demand that might come from those marketplaces, especially for the ham, which is somewhere around 35% of the yield from a carcass. If we can make use of that and the draw is there, it puts a lot of pressure to maybe pay more if those markets are more lucrative, and that's what we're hoping for from a producer perspective.
I think for a processor, if I can speak for them, the more markets they have that pay a higher price for a good quality product, that certainly helps them as well.