Yes, you're right. We're in violent agreement, by the way, okay?
What's happening, though, is that as a country, we have a succession problem. I am extremely worried that once we wake up and see that dairy is being priced off our menu, the number of farmers is declining, there's competition coming in through spent chicken and different things that are happening there.... A consumer survey shows that 70% were concerned. The lower-income consumers in particular, with less than $40,000 in income, are saying dairy is very difficult. If you're a single mom with three kids or a family with three kids, buying milk or buying butter.... When a kilogram of butter is more than a kilogram of meat, there's something we have to look at together. When there's little or no exporting....
First off, I'm not lactose intolerant. I use a lot of dairy, a lot of cheese, and I think we have some of the best cheese in the world. Somehow we have to find a way to have a win-win-win. A win for farmers.... By the way, our biggest trend is to eat local. If there's any group that supports eating local, buying local, it's us, and if you look at the movie Food, Inc., the chicken farmer would not be able to set up his farm here in Canada on the local side.