We don't really have interprovincial trade barriers in that area.
Supply management is certainly managed provincially, but that isn't an impediment for us. When I make the observation that we need predictable access to competitively priced inputs, we get it, say, in poultry, because there is a program set up so that we can get chicken so that we can compete against imports.
Some chemicals we can't.... Some chemicals that we could use in the cornfields or wherever are used in the United States, but not in Canada, so both we and our growers are at a disadvantage. We need parity on that front.
For dairy there are premiums between 20% and 30% or 40% that we pay on dinners, entrees, and pizzas that our competitors don't pay. If you look at Delissio pizza which comes in from the United States, 43% of the cost of the pizza is the cheese. The United States is subsidized differently and we pay a premium for that. We have to take that out of other areas in our businesses.