Yes, I was thinking of all the moose I eat, not the beef.
Nonetheless, there is perhaps an interesting element that you could comment on. You were talking about so much Ontario lamb product staying in the province of Ontario. Then you look at potential land users right across the country, as far north as my own territory, where each successive provincial jurisdiction between your province and my territory will have varying standards of acceptance or various standards that you need to deal with. That starts to slow down that entire route. It's already far enough from Ottawa to Yukon—Lord knows, I do it every weekend—never mind throwing in some red tape of the government. Those products just aren't going to get to markets like the three territories.
What's your experience with interprovincial transport where the end use of your product is somewhere other than the transport that you go through? Does that complicate this discussion even further? Or is that piece fairly well dealt with and it's just the end-use agreements that become more challenging for you?