The ones that we are targeting today and that were the topic of the letter we sent to the Council of the Federation revolve around products that have to go through a food, feed, or environmental safety approval. The barriers we have seen on the provincial and local government side include things like pesticide bans on the urban side. Recently, the Government of Manitoba put into place a ban on the use of urban pesticides, and the potential for that to snowball into regulation in other areas is rather large, I think. That's one example. There is also the ban on seed treatments in Ontario, which is a recent action.
We are very concerned, given the ability of the public at large to get false, non-science based information from the media, the social media, or any source or means whatsoever, about governments reacting to perceptions instead of sound science and risk management, which is the foundation of your regulatory system. That's where we see the risks, that is, in people responding to perception as opposed to clear, science-based, risk-based systems.