Currently, in Quebec, microbreweries have only 7.1% of the market. If we were on a level playing field and we had the same access to the shelves and tap lines as the large breweries, that market share would be between 12% and 15%. A market share like that would mean thousands of additional jobs in Quebec, hundreds of additional hop farms and malting plants, hundreds, perhaps thousands, of specialized points of sale that would be profitable as a result of selling Quebec products. That is the microbreweries' dream.
In Quebec, there are almost 16,000 retail groceries. Of that number, only about 800 resisted the temptation to accept the gifts and kickbacks provided by the big breweries in order to make room for microbreweries. Those were the retailers who refused to allow exclusivities, in other words. So we have only 800 points of sale out of 10,000, 15,000 or 16,000 grocery stores. You can see how much that limits our development. We have moved from 1% to 7.1%, but the message I would like to leave with you today is that, if nothing is done, that's as far as it will go.