Very good, but we are still talking about growth in that respect.
We have microbreweries in the Mauricie region, but we also have the Ferme Nouvelle-France, an NPO that opened a few years ago. It brings together farmers and seed companies. There is also a malt house. The Festival brassicole de la Mauricie, which takes place annually, highlights our region's barley products that are made into beer. The number of people who attend the festival grows considerably every year.
I love beer. I am proud to buy locally when I can. It's a Quebec product from our region.
There was a bill that was introduced before Parliament that promoted local foods but, unfortunately, it did not pass. But I think that Canadians and Quebeckers increasingly want to buy locally.
Could you tell us the dream of small brewers in Quebec? Do they want their products to be more available in bars, supermarkets and gas stations? Gas stations in my region carry a variety of artisanal beers. What would really help microbreweries in our regions to increase their sales?