Industry Canada leads the work on the interprovincial trade barriers. I know you guys have just completed a study, and I welcome that. I think the more we shine the light on lost opportunities interprovincially, the more people realize that this is huge money. I know at one point we looked at a robust WTO agreement during the Uruguay Round as being a benefit of some $6 billion to Canada, and at the same time we're losing roughly that same amount with the trade barriers and walls that we see interprovincially in this country. If I want to buy a bottle of B.C. wine, I can bring it home from California, but I can't bring it home from British Columbia, which makes no sense to me at all, or you. That's why we, as a government, made sure that we've rescinded the one piece of legislation from the twenties that was still under Agriculture Canada's purview. Now there's really no reason for the provinces not to be able to move that product. They were hiding behind that. Some have embraced it, and some have not, in the way that they think we would have them do that.
It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me to do a deal with the European Union, where we're going to have French, Italian, and German wine coming in, and yet in Ontario I still can't go and buy a bottle of British Columbia wine. It's beyond reason. There's certainly a tremendous amount of work to be done here. I guess any forward-thinking province recognizes that trade within Canada is an ideal way to go. There are certain parts of the country that are better at certain things than others, and we need to be able to move the product in a much more free and open way than we do. So I welcome your report and look forward to the recommendations you're making.